Friday, November 13, 2009

Essequibo comes a-callin...

...8 years later. What mysteries life holds. The phone rings and the person is saying we met "some time ago." What about? O you did a presentation here in Anna Regina. I was stunned. Hey bro, that was like 8 years ago. Anyhow he wanted several dvds for a fair they were having there. Wanted to showcase Islam to persons of other faiths. So they collected 10 and and had their show. God alone knows the level of success achieved. But wait there's more...the person who called came himself and bought 24 more...well what do you know!!! Life sure is strange. I reminded him how they did not allow my two sisters entry to the mosque where we had the program. Was I angry? Most likely...can't remember my emotions that far back. But knowing my "spirit" I would have sure expressed my displeasure at such "ridiculous" pseudo-religion. Anyway it was sure nice that after such a long time they have begun to see some light. But am beginning to think they are way too late. A kind of slow religious suicide. Thousands of souls have been denied all these years of viewing high-quality Islamic programs...the point is: having travelled all the way to Regina and explained to them, and shown them and having shook their heads in affirmation on the need for such quality presentations...then having thrown such spiritual energy behind their backs have surely impacted negatively on the growth of Islam in that neck of the woods. And I do not accept but it's good that they have started. My God!!! Can't we grasp opportunities when they present themselves...pronto! 8 years...holy macarolli.

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