Tuesday, September 29, 2009

School's Open

Distributed School's Open brochure today. Read a disturbing piece on Kenya's beaches and their children...my goodness how DIRTY are those white men (and let's not forget their ultra-dirty white women). Well you would have guessed what the article is about from those words. Oh yes it had me fuming and fretting as these "civilized" bastards use children for their sick games on their sick vacations. And let's not forget those f***ing American monsters and their degradation of Iraqi womanhood. So I am exhausted...off to make supplication to God to right the wrongs of this world (the least I can do) and then publicize the "white people" ills through my brochures and dvds. Obviously the "Muslims" who adore the sick and demented West would NOT agree. If their daughters were subjected to such sexual debauchery they would still genuflect to the "White" god. Sick!!!

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