Thursday, September 10, 2009

The 20th Day

So the moon in the morning sky, whose (obvious) colour was white (pretty but not magically so as the evening golden moon); and clouds some heavy, some like cotton wool were in the morning sky as I headed to the it was. For two laps, running, jogging then walking (maybe a bit of crawling too). And during the fasting the body obviously experiences a depletion of energy but I, always, since a teenager, have felt that fasting never meant a reduction of activities. Then it was all day cricket or school or darts and weight-training. And it continues to this day (no cricket or weight training but at least I can run/walk). Also lots of reading of books, the #1 priority is the Quran with lots of other books thrown in for good measure. And for me Ramadan means the 5 hours of sleep I get is, well SLEEP. Deep like in totally unconscious--something I dont seem to enjoy out of Ramadan. Back at the office one Christian client chatted with us about the Fast. And the normal shocked surprise at like "not even a sip of water." All day!!! Oh my. "If they only knew" a phrase related to fasting is all I can think about...if they only knew. For when we do take that sip of water at sunset it's the "greatest moment." Not just in quenching the thirst but in the deepest appreciation and gratefulness to go out there and help the poor/needy. Never to be arrogant and belittle others because of their financial status or otherwise. For the person stands erect who bends over the afflicted/poor/fallen. We rise when we lift others. I weep (yeah literally) over my failings/my fallen status/my broken wings. Love you my baby...may you understand your daddy from these few thoughts.

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