As I was at my son's school distributing the brochure "Business Ethics" a guy came and sat next to me. "Hey you write this stuff?" It has become the familiar ice-breaker. "Well I just put it together." "Seriously, this is real good stuff. You don't get such material to peruse for free anywhere." I smiled...and we chatted for 3/4 hour. What knocked me out was one of his comments: "You know to write this intensely you must have been thru the school of hard knocks." I caught my breath...hopefully he didn't notice. But I shrugged and laughed (hope it didnt sound too hollow) and brushed it off with a funny comment. Our conversation was exciting as we covered several issues and its always invigorating to clash and test your mind against someone who is sharp.
It always feels like you have just received an intellectual glucose shot when someone pays a compliment to the work. It's being done to further the cause of well as to leave my footprint for my son. Dont want him to be religiously deadened with trash & drivel that masquerades as "worship."
Tonight's program on Ch. 2 was "In Debt We Trust" as I continue to drive home the point of money (as in being greedy for it & willing to do anything for it) being the root of all evil.
So what did you "Say" today? Positive life-changing words I hope; don't chill the heart of anyone with icy statements...the world will be the poorer for it. Let's try to leave an impact that makes people sit up and yearn to be better. Like the fellow I met today.
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