Supplication 1: O Allah! Grant a good end in all our matters and save us from humiliation in this world and the torment of the Hereafter.
Salaam All...The month of Ramadan is here in spectacular glory with the new moon hanging from the Throne of God by a golden thread...
The month of Ramadan is here...where human stamina can be tempered to meet all the vicissitudes of life. Fasting & lots of prayer hold the capacity for renewal and transcendence. In Ramadan's calm and tranquility the soul revives its strength, and is fitted to help the body to subdue self. lf we would but pause for a while each day and let our thoughts dwell for a space on the Unseen World—how much better would our daily lives become—how much the more would our lower self be subdued, and the higher self fitted for success.
Ahhh...the first night of Ramadan. It is such a night as when the trustful and believing heart is filled like a holy chalice with the rich wine of joy and gratitude,--when the soul rises to an angel's stature within its fleshly tenement, and sings 'All Praises are For God!'--when nature wears her most serene and noble aspect,--when it seems good to live, good to work, good to hope, good to love,--good to be even the smallest portion of the divine and splendid order of the Universe.
Ahhh...the first night of Ramadan. It is such a night as when the trustful and believing heart is filled like a holy chalice with the rich wine of joy and gratitude,--when the soul rises to an angel's stature within its fleshly tenement, and sings 'All Praises are For God!'--when nature wears her most serene and noble aspect,--when it seems good to live, good to work, good to hope, good to love,--good to be even the smallest portion of the divine and splendid order of the Universe.
This sacred month is meant to shape our experiences by turning adversity into advantage and obstacles into opportunities. It offers a resting point for reflection on where we wish to go from here so that we can live a life free of limiting beliefs.
Each of us needs tremendous courage to keep from being overwhelmed by our own troubles and the distrust and hostility afoot in our world today. This rejuvenating month will provide the resources, the practices, and the access to a global community we need to develop inner strength and resiliency for the journey down the shape-shifting road that lies ahead.
Each of us needs tremendous courage to keep from being overwhelmed by our own troubles and the distrust and hostility afoot in our world today. This rejuvenating month will provide the resources, the practices, and the access to a global community we need to develop inner strength and resiliency for the journey down the shape-shifting road that lies ahead.
Quran: "Fast...if you only knew"...Better even than curing the body is to rise above it; to be its master, and not to be tyrannized over by it; not to abuse it, not to pander to it, never to put its claims before virtue; to discipline and moderate its pleasures, and not to be overcome by its pains—in a word, to live in the poise and strength of the moral powers, this, better than bodily cure, is yet a safe way to cure, and it is a permanent source of mental vigor and spiritual repose.
Shamal...A Blessed & Pure Ramadan to all of you.
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