Monday, July 6, 2009

True Happiness

To maintain an unchangeable sweetness of disposition, to think only thoughts that are pure and gentle, and to be happy under all circumstances,- such blessed conditions and such beauty of character and life should be the aim of all, and particularly so of those who wish to lessen the misery of the world. If anyone has failed to lift themselves above ungentleness, impurity, and unhappiness, they are greatly deluded if they imagine they can make the world happier by the propagation of any theory or theology. Someone who is daily living in harshness, impurity, or unhappiness is day by day adding to the sum of the world’s misery; whereas someone who continually lives in goodwill, and does not depart from happiness, is day by day increasing the sum of the world’s happiness, and this independently of any religious beliefs which these may or may not hold.

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