Supplication: Our Lord! Accept this service from us: For You are the All-Hearing, the All-knowing
[Quran: 2:127]
[Quran: 2:127]
During this month of Ramadan we will explore every day great Muslim lives over the last 1400 years. Read on to find out WHY.
Salaam All...The whole progress of humanity is an eloquent sermon on the externalization of the thoughts of those gone before. An intelligent glance over the past reveals to us many secrets, and, contemplating the struggles which men have gone through, we perceive the process of development that has resulted in the advance of character from the purely physical plane to the moral and spiritual.
The world, consisting of more than fifty-five Muslim majority countries and nearly two billion people today, Muslims have left their fingerprints on every field of human endeavour. It is not surprising, therefore, that some of history’s most influential men and women have been Muslims.
In the words of George Sarton, the renowned historian of science and author of Introduction to the History of Science, ‘The main tasks of mankind were accomplished by Muslims. The greatest philosopher, al-Farabi, was a Muslim; the greatest mathematicians, Abu Kamil and Ibrahim ibn Sinan, were Muslims; the greatest geographer and encyclopaedist, al-Mas’udi, was a Muslim; the greatest historian, al-Tabari, was a Muslim.’
So if when Islam is mentioned you think only of Osama Bin Laden because of the American media propaganda then be prepared to be educated...You will come to understand why 1 in every 4 human beings on earth is MUSLIM. It's because of these great moral characters.
These shining Muslim luminaries....if only modern day politicians could quell their arrogance and learn from them....O what a world, a grand world, we would occupy.
Shamal...The lessons start from the next email!!
Note: The genesis of doing this Ramadan project on great Muslim thinkers is amazing. A dear friend of mine had an art class...and after it was closed he said he had a few pieces. And I asked him for them. It contained two pics of Ibn Sina & Qasim Zahrawi. They were framed and put in our home/office. And my God, have they generated conversation starting with "Who are those people?" Christians. Hindus, Muslims have all benefited from the dialogue. They leave enlightened when they hear of the greatness of these men. Here's hoping that our Islamic schools can display such luminaries in their hallways so that visitors can be educated about our history...a history that has been and continues to be...TRAILBLAZING!!!